Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
201 lines
include asm.inc
public syshard
extrn isems:proc, ismouse:proc, isherc:proc
extrn floppies:proc, floppytype:proc
extrn getkey:proc, getcrt:proc
extrn getcpu:proc, mathchip:proc
extrn wclear:proc, wframe:proc, tprint:proc
notinstalled db 'Not installed',0
f360 db '360 kb drive',0
f12 db '1.2 Mb drive',0
f720 db '720 kb drive',0
f14 db '1.4 Mb drive',0
drive_table dw notinstalled
dw f360
dw f12
dw f720
dw f14
i8086 db '8086 or 8088',0
i186 db '80186 or 80188',0
i286 db 'i286',0
i386 db '386',0
i486 db '486',0
cpu_table dw i8086
dw i186
dw i286
dw i386
dw i486
no87 db 'none',0
mc8087 db '8087',0
mc287 db '287',0
mc387 db '387',0
mc487 db '487',0
mathchip_table dw no87
dw mc8087
dw mc287
dw mc387
dw mc487
; window corner data
r0 dw 3
c0 dw 15
r1 dw 3+number_of_labels+1
c1 dw 54
window_color db 0Ch ; bright red, black background
text_color db 07h
cga db 'CGA',0
mda db 'Monochrome text',0
ega db 'EGA',0
mcga db 'MCGA',0
vga db 'VGA',0
Herc db 'Hercules',0
RamFont db 'Hercules RAMFont',0
InColor db 'Hercules InColor',0
screen_table dw cga
dw mda
dw ega
dw mcga
dw vga
dw herc
dw ramfont
dw incolor
; labels
labels db 'CPU: ',0
size_of_label equ $-labels
db '80x87: ',0
; db 'RAM: ',0
db 'EMS: ',0
db 'Drive A: ',0
db 'Drive B: ',0
db 'Mouse: ',0
db 'Screen: ',0
number_of_labels equ ($-labels)/size_of_label
isinstalled db 'installed and active',0
mouse_installed db ' buttons',0
syshard proc
; clear a window for the system info
lea bx,r0
mov ah,window_color
call wclear
mov al,-1 ; double-lined window frame
call wframe
; print labels at left side of window
mov cx,number_of_labels
mov dh,byte ptr r0
mov dl,byte ptr c0
inc dl
lea si,labels
mov ah,text_color
inc dh
call tprint
add si,size_of_label
loop label_loop
; determine CPU type
call getcpu
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1
mov si,cpu_table[bx]
mov dh,byte ptr r0
inc dh
mov dl,byte ptr c0
add dl,size_of_label
mov ah,text_color
call tprint
; math coprocessor
call mathchip
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1
mov si,mathchip_table[bx]
inc dh
mov ah,text_color
call tprint
; installed RAM
; I haven't done this yet
; inc dh
; EMS memory
inc dh
call isems
lea si,notinstalled
jc print_ems
lea si,isinstalled
mov ah,text_color
call tprint
; floppy drive types
mov cl,0 ; start with drive A:
push dx ; save screen coordinates
mov dl,cl ; drive number
call floppytype
pop dx ; screen coordinates
or ax,ax ; AX = 0 if bad drive number
jz no_more_floppies
inc dh ; next row on screen
mov bx,ax ; drive ID
shl bx,1 ; convert to offset
mov si,drive_table[bx]
mov ah,text_color
call tprint
inc cl ; next drive
jmp next_floppy
; Mouse
inc dh
call ismouse
lea si,notinstalled
or ax,ax
jz print_mouse
lea si,mouse_installed
add al,'0' ; convert to ASCII
mov [si],al
mov ah,text_color
call tprint
; Screen
inc dh
call getcrt
inc ax
mov bx,ax
cmp ax,129
jb print_screen
mov bx,5
je print_screen
cmp ax,209 ; InColor?
inc bx
jb print_screen
inc bx
shl bx,1
mov si,screen_table[bx]
mov ah,text_color
call tprint
call getkey
syshard endp